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The Sedona Conference Working Group 1 Midyear Meeting 2021


Online (Zoom)

The 2021 Midyear Meeting of Working Group 1 on Electronic Document Retention and Production (WG1) will be held online on Wednesday, April 28, from noon to 5 p.m. (EDT) and Thursday, April 29, from noon to 4:30 p.m.

The meeting will feature six sessions, including the ever-popular Case Law Review and Judicial Roundtable, as well as a social reception hour to facilitate the networking and camaraderie that is a staple of the WG1 community. Confirmed topics include:

Wednesday, April 28:

  • Case law review
  • Brainstorming Group update: The Privilege Log: What’s Working, What Isn’t, and Approaches to Modernize it
  • Brainstorming Group update: Preserving and Collecting Data from the Internet of Things
  • Social reception

Thursday, April 29:

  • Judicial roundtable
  • Drafting Team update: Best Practices for Uniformity in Filing ESI Under Seal
  • Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Diverse Talent in eDiscovery

The full agenda is available below.

The Sedona Conference will seek CLE accreditation in accordance with rules and regulations set forth by individual jurisdictions for virtual meetings. Various state MCLE authorities require that we verify your live, active participation throughout the program. 

The meeting is open to all WG1 members. For information on joining the Sedona Working Group Series (WGS), which enables you to participate in all WGS activities, click here.

We look forward to seeing you, virtually, next week!

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Atlanta, GA, USA
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New York, NY, USA
New York, NY, USA
New York, NY, USA
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Phoenix, AZ, USA
 Day 1, Wednesday, April 28, 2021 (all times EDT) 
12:00 — 12:15Welcome and AnnouncementsMartin Tully, Craig Weinlein
12:15 — 1:45[Session 1] Case Law Review 

We may have had limited access to the courts during most of 2020—and well into 2021—but that hasn't prevented judges from issuing landmark eDiscovery decisions. Sanctions cases get the most attention, of course, and we've seen several. But the courts have also addressed the collection of ESI during a pandemic, privilege and work product protection, the increasing significance of privacy considerations, and the continued back-and-forth over ESI protocols. eDiscovery veteran Ken Withers has developed a short list of the "must know" decisions from the last several months, and he will be calling on some of your colleagues to present the case facts, holdings, and practical impacts.

Alison Grounds, Tessa Jacob, Hon. Michael Robinson, Hon. Elizabeth Stafford, Ken Withers
1:45 — 2:00Break/open mic 
2:00 — 2:50[Session 2] The Privilege Log: What's Working, What Isn't, and Approaches to Modernize It 

As a follow-up to the 2019 and 2020 WG1 Annual Meeting sessions on protecting privileged ESI and alternatives to addressing privilege issues, WG1 formed the Privilege Log Brainstorming Group to determine what is and is not working in the privilege log process, develop approaches to mitigate the issues identified using technology to modernize the traditional log, and identify best methods for handling log disputes. The Brainstorming Group will ensure these approaches and methodologies are consistent with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 1's mandate to "secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination" of every case, while at the same time ensuring that parties have the ability to obtain evidence necessary to litigate cases. It will also explore how we can move the law forward in a reasoned and just way. The Brainstorming Group will present its analysis and circulate a draft outline with some open questions for discussion with the membership.

Adam Gajadharsingh, Henry Kelston, Sandra Metallo-Barragan, Claudia Morgan, Meghan Podolny, Hon. Becky Thorson
2:50 — 3:00Break/open mic 
3:00 — 3:50[Session 3] Preserving and Collecting Data from the Internet of Things 

The Internet of Things ("IoT") refers to the ability of everyday objects to connect to the Internet and to send and receive data. This panel will discuss obtaining discovery from, for example, internet-connected cameras; home automation systems; smart speakers and TVs; and wearables. The panel will discuss the challenges of preserving and collecting data from the IoT, including topics like security, access, collection, and use of data. The panel will also discuss the results of the IoT Brainstorming Group's work regarding whether Sedona should draft a Commentary on IoT.

Patrick Bland, Ron Hedges, Greg Kohn, Amy Sellars, Steven Teppler
3:50 — 4:00Break/open mic 
4:00 — 5:00Social Reception 
 Day 2, Thursday, April 29, 2021 
12:00 — 1:30[Session 4] View from the Bench: How Lawyers Can More Effectively Address ESI Discovery Issues 
 The recent blockbuster sanctions order in DR Distributors, LLC v. 21 Century Smoking, Inc. has once again highlighted the importance of counsel recognizing and addressing ESI issues in discovery. In far too many cases, litigation seems to run amok because counsel neither anticipates nor properly prepares to address issues related to ESI discovery. In this session, federal and state judges will provide their insights on these problems and offer practice tips for how lawyers can more effectively address ESI discovery issues.Hon. Maria Audero, Phil Favro, Hon. Karen Roby, Hon. Michael Robinson, Hon. Mary Rowland, Hon. Elizabeth Stafford, Hon. Becky Thorson, Hon. Nina Wang
1:30 — 1:45Break/open mic 
1:45 — 2:45[Session 5] Model Rule and Best Practices for Uniformity in Filing ESI Under Seal 
 The Federal District Courts differ significantly as to the procedures practitioners must follow in order to file documents under seal, with no national uniformity. In many districts, the time and expense of complying with the various requirements are burdensome to both litigants and the courts. The Working Group has undertaken a survey of the various District Courts’ approaches to filing ESI and documents under seal in an effort to develop a uniform rule on the procedures for filing under seal that lessens the burden and expense on both the courts and practitioners, and creates consistency between and among jurisdictions. Our panelists will discuss edits made to the draft rule presented for member feedback at the Annual Meeting in October 2020; provide an update on a more comprehensive Commentary/Practice Guide that incorporates the uniform rule and discuss the legal basis/guidance for its development; and analyze current case law and standards relating to the sealing of records.Hon. Maria Audero, Bethany Caracuzzo, Tony Petruzzi, Maria Salacuse, Jodi Schebel
2:45 — 3:00Break/WG1 Status ReportMartin Tully
3:00 — 4:15[Session 6] Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Diverse Talent in the eDiscovery Community 

Sitting at the intersection of the legal and tech sectors, eDiscovery suffers from under-representation by diverse personnel; perhaps even more so given that both sectors significantly under-represent minorities in every diverse category compared to the general population. Law firms and businesses are recognizing the tangible benefits of recruiting and promoting diverse legal talent. But many historical recruiting and retention practices may include unconscious bias that disadvantages diverse applicants and as well as employees seeking advancement. In this session our panelists will discuss specific changes that can be made improve recruiting, retention, and promotion of diverse eDiscovery lawyers.

Andrea D'Ambra, Kimberly Duplechain, Amy Sellars, Hon. Karen Roby, Hon. Nina Wang
4:15 — 4:30Closing remarksCraig Weinlein