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Frequently Asked Questions

What is The Sedona Conference?

The Sedona Conference (TSC) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit charitable 501(c)(3) research and educational institute dedicated to the advanced study of law and policy in the areas of antitrust law, complex litigation, intellectual property rights, and data security and privacy law. Its mission is to move the law forward in a reasoned and just way. TSC is supported by registrations, meeting fees, sponsorships, and other donations. TSC is a Minnesota nonprofit corporation with its principal place of business in Phoenix, AZ.

What is the vision of The Sedona Conference?

The Sedona Conference believes that the combined knowledge of experts representing varied viewpoints, focused through the “magic” of dialogue outside an adversarial setting, can achieve critically important consensus on the most difficult leading edge issues. TSC brings together the brightest minds in a think-tank setting with the goal of creating practical solutions and recommendations. Their findings are developed and enhanced through a substantive peer-review process and the resulting content widely published in conjunction with educational programs for the bench and bar, so that it can swiftly drive the reasoned and just advancement of law and policy in the areas under study.

How does The Sedona Conference achieve its mission?

The Sedona Conference accomplishes its mission primarily through the activities of its Working Groups, which publish nonpartisan consensus commentaries, primarily in the form of principles, guidelines, and best practices, designed to offer practical solutions on tipping-point issues. As these commentaries are recognized, cited, and followed, they move the law forward in a reasoned and just way.

How does one become a member of a Working Group?

TSC develops the initial “core” of each Working Group by invitation to ensure the proper balance and representation of varied viewpoints and backgrounds needed to fully explore the assigned mission of the Group. The Working Group’s formation and work plan are then posted on the TSC website. Any interested person can become a member of The Sedona Conference Working Group Series by clicking on “Membership” in the navigation bar. Members are granted access to the Working Group’s members-only section of the website, which includes early access to draft work product for review and comment. In addition, members have the opportunity to volunteer for special projects and drafting teams, and are invited to annual or semi-annual meetings (limited attendance).

What is unique about Working Group output?

Working Group output is the result of a dialogue-based process that seeks consensus from all interested viewpoints on a particular issue. Where consensus can be reached, principles are created. Where consensus cannot be reached, guidelines or best practices are created on how to address the issue under consideration. The commentary undergoes a period of public comment and peer review for approximately 6-12 months. Following this aspect of the peer-review process, the original drafting team reviews the comments and work product and incorporates appropriate changes and edits into a “final” document. The Working Group concept also offers an ongoing process to stay current with the changing environment.

Why is diversity important to The Sedona Conference?

TSC recognizes the value of all voices, and diversity is at the heart of its mission. TSC's core purpose of fostering innovative legal thought and providing recommendations, principles, and other guidance on "tipping point" legal issues relies on a broad review process involving its entire membership. This breadth of review, in turn, relies on the diversity of TSC's membership: not simply the diversity of opinions on all sides of a particular position, but also the diversity of background and experience that shapes and influences the unique perspective of each member.