New York Law School
New York, NY, USA
The 2020 Annual Meeting of Working Group 6 will be held at New York Law School in New York, New York on Monday-Tuesday, February 10-11, 2020. A welcome reception will be held on the evening of Sunday, February 9, from 6-8 pm.
The meeting’s main focus will be on new drafts and brainstorming group outlines in need of WG6 member review and comment, including the following topics:
- Cross-border privilege issues
- International legal holds
- International Standards Organization (ISO) Code of Practice for Electronic Discovery
- Dawn raids
In addition, the meeting will feature the following sessions:
- Cross-border discovery & investigations and data protection laws update: APAC, the Middle East, and Brexit
- Cross-border discovery & disclosure case law update
- Data protection enforcement actions and cross-border discovery & disclosure
- New technology and new opportunities in cross-border discovery and data protection
Corporate Counsel Meeting
There will be a meeting of corporate counsel (meeting time and location TBA). The meeting is limited to WG6 corporate counsel and The Sedona Conference leadership to discuss and benchmark cross-border transfer best practices in a more relaxed and informal setting. This intimate forum will allow for a discussion of issues of specific importance to corporate counsel. The organizers of this meeting will contact registered corporate counsel separately with more details, including an agenda.