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WG9/10 Annual Meeting 2021 Agenda

DAY 1 - Thursday, November 18 (all times ET)
11:15 — 11:25Check-in      
11:25 — 11:30Welcome and IntroductionsHutz, Powers, ReaWeinlein
11:30 — 1:00[Panel 1] Unique Problems and Opportunities Posed by Global Patent Litigation - Part I (Unified Patent Court & Global SEP/FRAND)Buchinski, DelgadoGrzimek*, Huang, Jarosz, Marshall, Oliva, Singh (J)Stark, Whiting
1:00 — 1:15Break 
1:15 — 2:45

[Panel 2] Streamlining Lower-Value Patent Cases

Albright (J), Burke (J), Ferguson, Powers*, Saunders, Vladescu

2:45 — 3:00Break 
3:00 — 4:15

[Panel 3] The Evolving Relationship Between Federal Courts and Administrative Agencies

Armond, Banowit, Cheney (J), Conti (J), Haapala (J)Munoz, Nathan*, Patnaik
4:15 — 5:00Interview: Judge O'Malley - Reflections on the Current State of the Patent System and Ways It Might Be Improved O'MalleyPowers
DAY 2 - Friday, November 19 (all times ET)
11:15 — 11:25Check-in      
11:25 — 11:30Welcome and IntroductionsHutz, Powers, Rea, Weinlein
11:30 — 12:45[Panel 4] Unique Problems and Opportunities Posed by Global Patent Litigation - Part II (Global Venue Selection & Cross-Border Discovery) Antush, BuseyCooper*, MetierMuller-StoySan Martin*, Sterpi, Trenton, Wuttke
12:45 — 1:00Break 
1:00 — 2:30

[Panel 5] The Role of Patents in Biopharma v. High-Tech Industries: Can One Patent System Effectively Accommodate Both? 

Blake, Brown*Groombridge*, Pearson, Whitaker 


2:30 — 2:45Break 
2:45 — 4:15[Panel 6] Judicial RoundtableBurke (J)Cheney (J), Freeman (J)Jordan (J)Rea*
4:15 — 4:20Closing StatementsWeinlein
