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 Wednesday, April 14, 2021 (all times EDT) 
12:00 – 12:15Welcome & overviewMeal, Weinlein, Withers
12:15 — 1:30Interpreting and applying "risk-of-harm" triggers in breach notification statutesCattanach*, Keller, Moss, O'Neill, Sella-Villa, Wescott
1:30 —1:45Break 
1:45 —2:45Federal preemption of U.S. state privacy and data security statutes: What are the dividing lines?Falk, Kriger*, Robinson, Trilling, Vanaskie
2:45 —3:00Break 
3:00 —4:15Has the time come for a second edition of the WG11 Commentary on Application of Attorney-Client Privilege and Work-Product Protection to Documents and Communications Generated in the Cybersecurity Context?Baxter-Kauf*, Cohen, Kosseff, Romine, Stella
4:15 — 5:15Reception 
 Thursday, April 15, 2021 (all times EDT) 
12:00 — 1:15What are the legal and policy bases and considerations for and against outright bans of facial recognition technology? Berger, Clayton, Hartzog, Promislow*, Ritvo
1:15 — 1:30Break 
1:30 — 2:30WG11 town hallDrum, Jorgensen, Keller, Kriger, Meal*, Moncure, Pizzirusso, Promislow, Saikali, Wilan
2:30 —2:45Break 
2:45 — 4:00COVID-19 related data collection and processing: Navigating the potential conflict between public health needs and privacy and data security mandatesMoncure, Moss, Schroeder, Solomon, Wilan*


4:00 — 4:05ClosingMeal, Weinlein

*Panel Moderator
