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The Sedona Conference Cooperation Proclamation

The legal, business, and popular press has been abuzz with articles on electronic discovery and the increasing cost and burden of litigation. The Sedona Conference, the nation’s leading non-partisan, non-profit law-and-policy think tank, is actually doing something about it. Leading jurists are endorsing and applying “The Cooperation Proclamation.”

Judicial Endorsements

Press Coverage

An E-Discovery 'Cooperation Proclamation'
October 2008
Robert J. Ambrogi
Legal Blog Watch
Sedona Conference’s new mantra: Save e-Discovery, Save the World
October 2008
Gabe Acevedo
Gabe's Guide to the e-Discovery Universe Blog
Proclaiming the Benefits of Cooperation
October 2008
ediscoveryinfo blog
The Sedona Cooperation Proclamation
October 2008
Discovery Resources
Sedona Conference Promotes Cooperation in Discovery
October 2008
Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation Blog