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Proposed Revisions to The Sedona Principles – WG1 Online Meetings


July 23, 2015 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time (90 minutes)
August 6, 2015 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time (90 minutes)
August 20, 2015 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time (90 minutes)

The Sedona Principles is the foundational document of Sedona Working Group 1. Since the first draft in 2003, it has evolved incrementally to reflect developments in the rules, the case law, and practice – but it has always been cited by courts, rulemakers, professional and industry leaders, and legal academics for its authority, balance, practicality, and thought leadership. The last edition of The Sedona Principles was published in 2007. Since then, we have had eight years of case law and technological development, and we are on the eve of significant changes in the federal rules, due to be implemented on December 1, 2015.

A team of Working Group 1 members has been working with the Steering Committee for several months on ideas to bring The Sedona Principles up to date, with significant input from the entire membership in writing and at two face-to-face meetings. Over the past month we have distributed drafts of proposed revisions to The Sedona Principles. In each of these distributions, we asked you to plan to attend online meetings scheduled for later this summer, during which members of the drafting team and the Working Group 1 Steering Committee will conduct dialogues regarding these proposals:

  • July 23: Dialogue on Principles 1-5
  • August 6: Dialogue on Principles 6-10
  • August 20: Dialogue on Principles 11-14

Now is the time to register for these online meetings! Advance registration (which is free) is required. Even if you can’t attend all three meetings, registration will give you access to recordings of these meetings, which will be posted on this program page following each meeting. Because these meetings will be recorded, the usual Sedona Rule prohibiting attribution of comments made during meetings cannot be enforced. You are encouraged to submit specific questions and comments to in advance that you would like to have the Working Group membership address during the meetings. Your questions and comments will help the drafting team lead a thorough and inclusive dialogue during the online meetings. If you are unable to submit questions or comments before the on-line meetings, you are welcome to submit your comments in writing any time before August 31 to, and any request for confidentiality will be honored. To assist you in reviewing and commenting on these proposals, and to facilitate your full participation in the dialogue during the online meetings, here are the links to the drafts and the drafting team narratives: July 23 meeting - 2015 Draft Sedona Principles 1-5 (and related Comments and Narratives) August 6 meeting - 2015 Draft Sedona Principles 6-10 (and related Comments and Narratives)2007 versions of Principles 6 through 10 for reference August 20 meeting - 2015 Draft Sedona Principles 11-14 (and related Comments)

We hope you will be able to be a part of this effort to broaden participation and input from all Sedona Working Group Series members in this “mission critical” endeavor.