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Dominique Wilson

Meta Platforms Inc

Dominique is the Associate General Counsel for eDiscovery & Information Governance in EMEA at Meta Platforms, Inc. (formerly Facebook). She provides legal and technical advice across all aspects of the staged processes within the EDRM with a focus on identifying and preserving Big Data. Dominique is a qualified Solicitor in England & Wales, a member of Women in eDiscovery and a graduate of Brunel University’s Law School. Prior to joining Meta, Dominique spent a decade as a commercial disputes and investigations lawyer in both private practice and in-house acting on various complex High Court and International Arbitration matters. During this time, she advised clients on their disclosure obligations related to electronic data under Court and arbitration rules (including the IBA Rules on Taking Evidence) in particular and in relation to managed reviews and productions, specific requests for further information/documents and the requirements of the Disclosure Pilot Scheme (now Practice Direction 57AD).