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Eric Michael Robinson


Eric has more than 25 years of accumulated legal, eDiscovery, data governance and project management experience. As KLDiscovery’s Vice President of Global Advisory Services & Strategic Client Solutions, Eric leads KLD’s Advisory Services team and works consultatively with clients to develop and implement cost effective, efficient, defensible discovery, data governance and data privacy compliance strategies. Eric also co-leads KLD’s Cyber Incident Response group. Eric’s experience spans the Information Governance/ eDiscovery Reference Models. His experience ranges from conducting Information & Discovery Management assessments to data privacy compliance assessments and data remediations, to managing and/or serving as an ESI expert on large, complex multi-party litigations, cyber incident response and government investigations. He is regularly engaged as an ESI Liaison and eDiscovery advisor as well as being retained as a 30(b)(6) witness to provide expert testimony, affidavits and declarations pertaining to all facets of the discovery process ranging from scoping, data preservation and collection strategies, to search term development and analysis and document review and production protocols.