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WG7 Sedona Canada Open Town Hall


A message from Kathryn J. Manning, Chair, Sedona Canada Steering Committee

Dear Sedona Canada Members, prospective members, and friends:

To kick off the 2022 work season for our Working Group, Sedona Canada is holding a Town Hall by videoconference on March 3, 2022, at 1 pm Pacific/2 pm Mountain/4 pm Eastern/5 pm Atlantic. We hope you can join us to network and brainstorm ideas for Sedona Canada projects. An agenda for the Town Hall follows below. For now, we wanted to update you on the projects that the Steering Committee is proposing the WG focus on in 2022 and to ask you to start thinking about which ones you would like to get involved in and other ideas you have for projects.

Town Hall Agenda

  • Ransomware writing project – We hosted an English-language webinar last Fall and the French webinar will take place soon. The Steering Committee proposes that a subcommittee be struck to develop a writing project on this topic.
  • Bill 64 webinar – Quebec’s legislation to update privacy law comes into force in 2023. A webinar is proposed to cover the details and how to prepare. Timing TBD but the aim is late March.
  • Update to Sedona Canada Commentary on Letters Rogatory.
  • AI related project.
  • Short video clips of issues of interest to members to be shared via social media. This is an ongoing initiative so if you have suggestions for topics please let us know.
  • New Sedona Canada website page content.
  • Education opportunities for Sedona Canada to partner with other eDiscovery training organizations.

The Steering Committee welcomes other project ideas from members. If you have ideas, please send them to me, copy, and we will put them to the Steering Committee for approval. Please also let us know if you would like to work on any of the above projects.

Registration for the Town Hall is free and is open to non-Sedona Canada members so please pass the invitation to register to your contacts who might be interested in attending the Town Hall. Please note that there will also be a place on the form to add suggestions for topics to discuss at the meeting.

While the Town Hall will take place in English, French-speaking attendees can ask questions or make comments in French, both orally or in the Chat, and we will have a bilingual member of the Steering Committee translate.

Alors que l'assemblée publique se déroulera en anglais, les participants francophones pourront poser des questions ou faire des commentaires en français, soit oralement, soit dans le clavardage, et nous aurons un membre bilingue du comité directeur qui fera la traduction.

We look forward to seeing you at the Town Hall!

Best regards,

Kathryn J. Manning, Sedona Canada Steering Committee Chair