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The Sedona Conference on AI and the Law, Part 2: AI and IP Law

Submitted by rmb@sedonaconf… on

Hyatt Regency Reston
1800 Presidents Street
Reston, VA 02190

2023 will go down in legal history as “The Year of Artificial Intelligence (AI).” Although AI – in many forms – has been with us for decades, this year it took the legal profession by storm with the introduction of Generative AI, accessible to the public. Gen AI raised many questions about the use of AI in practice, as well as the legal issues implicated by AI itself. Due to high demand and keen interest, The Sedona Conference is organizing two conferences during the first half of 2024 to take stock of the impact AI has had on the law and to “move the law forward” in relation to AI.

Both conferences will feature dialogue on topics including:

  • Review of the relevant technology and its impact on legal practice
  • Bias, validity, and reliability of AI
  • Professional responsibility
  • A roundtable of judges and regulators addressing AI in practice.

But the two conferences will address different areas of substantive law.

The second conference will be held on June 20-21, 2024 and will focus on AI and Intellectual Property (IP) Law, including:

  • AI in the invention and patent prosecution processes
  • Infringement and patentability challenges implicating AI
  • Copyright challenges presented by AI (including both inputs and outputs)
  • Trade secret challenges presented by AI

The first conference will be held on April 4-5, 2024, and will focus on AI and Civil Litigation. For more information on that conference, click here.

Both conferences will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Reston, Virginia, a short distance from Dulles International Airport and accessible by public transit to the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Attendance at these conferences will be limited to assure that all attendees will be able to actively participate in the Sedona Conference spirit of dialogue. We will announce dialogue leaders and post detailed agendas with session descriptions over the next several weeks, however we are opening registration early for those who would like to plan their education and travel budgets in advance.

Hotel Reservation Information

We have obtained a very favorable group room rate of $249 per night (plus taxes) for a limited block of rooms on the evenings of June 19-20, 2024. The group rate will be available for three days preceding and three days following the dates of the room block, subject to standard guestroom availability. The hotel is holding the limited block of rooms until May 28, 2024, after which any unsold rooms in the block will be released for sale to the public. After that date, rooms will be subject to availability. Reservation information will be provided in your conference registration confirmation email.


The Sedona Conference will seek CLE accreditation for this meeting in selected jurisdictions (except Virginia), as dictated by attendance.


Law firms, legal service providers, technology companies, and other organizations interested in sponsorship opportunities for either or both conferences can get more information here.