Hon. Gene E.K. Pratter
Judge Pratter began her judicial service in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in June 2004 after a career with Duane Morris LLP, where she concentrated in litigation. She was that firm’s first General Counsel. Judge Pratter serves in numerous professional, community and education organizations. As an Adjunct Faculty member of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, she teaches Trial Advocacy and served on the School’s Board of Overseers. Judge Pratter previously was appointed by Chief Justice Roberts to the Standing Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Civil Rules. In 2019, she was appointed to the Judicial Conference Rules of Practice and Procedures Committee. Judge Pratter has written articles for professional publications, frequently speaks on procedural, professionalism and ethics topics and has traveled several times to former Soviet-bloc countries to address judicial ethics and case management topics in Department of State/Department of Justice Rule of Law programs for judges, practitioners and law students. She is a graduate of Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania Law School.