Tiana Van Dyk
Tiana is Senior Director of Client Services at Epiq and a thought leader, frequent speaker, and author, with over 15 years’ experience in the eDiscovery field. She focuses on breaking down barriers to eDiscovery and Analytics by simplifying the most complicated practices into easy-to-understand consumable content. Tiana has helped her clients manage costs and mitigate risks to achieve successful outcomes on their Litigation and Arbitration files. She is a contributing member of the EDRM and sits on the Global Advisory Council, as well as having been one of the lead developers of the eMSAT (eDiscovery Maturity Self-Assessment Test), and a contributor to the EDRM’s TAR Guidelines, published in 2019. Tiana is an active member of Sedona Canada’s WG7 and is on the drafting team for the Third Edition of The Sedona Canada Principles. She is a guest lecturer at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Law, where she teaches eDiscovery, analytics, best practices, and the EDRM. Prior to joining Epiq, Tiana was the Manager of eDiscovery and Litigation Support at Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP.