Andrew D. Goldsmith
Andrew was appointed in January 2010 as the Justice Department’s first National Criminal Discovery Coordinator. In this role and as Associate Deputy Attorney General, his duties include providing federal prosecutors and other law enforcement officials with training, resources, and guidance relating to criminal discovery, including electronic discovery. Andrew successfully prosecuted the Atlantic States case in New Jersey during 2005-06, an eight-month trial that is the longest environmental-crimes-related prosecution in U.S. history. His articles on criminal eDiscovery have appeared in the United States Attorneys’ Bulletin. In 2016, he earned his fourth Attorney General’s Award in recognition of his efforts in the area of professional responsibility. He previously served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey. Andrew started out his legal career as an Assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan D.A.'s Office. He graduated cum laude in 1983 from Albany Law School and received his B.S. degree in 1979 from Cornell University, which selected him in 2014 for inclusion on its list of Distinguished Classmates.