Dr. Matthias Zigann
Dr. Matthias Zigann is a designated legally qualified judge at the Unified Patent Court (Local Division Munich) and Presiding Judge at the Munich Higher Regional Court. There he is heading the 38th Civil Senate since November 2022. From December 2012 to October 2022, he presided over the 7th (Patent) Division of the Munich Regional Court I. Prior to his appointment as presiding judge he was seconded to serve as a research associate with the Xth Civil (Patent) Senate of the German Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe for three years. From 2003 to 2009 he served as a regular member of the 7th Division of the Munich Regional Court I. From 1999 to 2003 he served as a public prosecutor in Landshut. Dr. Zigann is an alumnus of the Munich Max-Planck-Institute for Innovation and Competition, chair of the advisory board of the Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum, co-editor and co-author of the Beck Online Commentary UPC (to go online end of 2023), co-author of Haedicke/Timmann, Handbuch des Patentrechts, and co-author of Cepl/Voß, Prozesskommentar zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, and a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.