Commissioner Jill Clayton
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
Jill was appointed Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner in 2012 and re-appointed to a second five-year term in 2017. As Director and then Assistant Commissioner, she was primarily responsible for oversight of the Personal Information Protection Act. As Commissioner, Jill has a dual mandate involving access to information and privacy rights and responsibilities. On the access to information side, she focuses on reducing delays in access to information responses, advocating for a culture that supports transparency as a cornerstone to a strong democracy, and ensuring that effective records management programs are in place. On the privacy side, focusing on prioritizing and promoting accountability in data governance, transparency through privacy breach notification, promoting knowledge about privacy rights in Alberta's education system, and, more recently, ethical assessments in tech innovations that involve the collection, use, or disclosure of personal or health information. Before joining the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner in 2004, Jill worked as a privacy consultant in the health care, oil and gas, telecommunications, and non-profit sectors.