Phil Beckett
Phil is a Managing Director with Alvarez & Marsal’s Disputes and Investigations practice in London and has more than 18 years of experience in forensic technology engagements, advising clients on forensic investigations of digital evidence, the interrogation of complex data sets, information governance, cyber risk and the disclosure of electronic documents. He leads the Forensic Technology team across Europe. Phil has regularly been appointed as an expert and managed the execution of multi-site Civil Search Orders whereby data has been captured and interrogated to meet Court requirements – including one recent case for a major international pharmaceutical firm. He managed an international project investigating a coordinated theft of intellectual property across the UK, US, Japan, France, Switzerland and Germany. Phil has also worked on a large number of high-profile e-disclosure cases, including a litigation between Russian entities in the High Court, where data had to be managed in an extremely secure environment across the UK and Russia. He earned a bachelor's degree in computing and management from the Loughborough University, a master’s degree in forensic computing from Cranfield University, and a master’s degree in Computer and Communications Law from Queen Mary University of London.