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Webinar on the 2nd French Edition of The Sedona Canada Principles Addressing Electronic Discovery (in French)

Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Time: 1:00 p.m. EDT

Duration: 90 minutes

In January 2020, The Sedona Conference Working Group 7 (Sedona Canada) published the French-language translation of the Sedona Canada Principles Addressing Electronic Discovery (available for download here). The French translation is part of Sedona Canada's goal of ensuring that the group's work is made available to Canada in both official languages. The purpose of the webinar is to discuss the latest edition of the Sedona Canada with the legal community. The panel will address the following topics:

  1. What is Sedona? Why do we have the Sedona Canada Principles?
  2. Open discussion on the Sedona Principles.
  3. The duty of “technology” competence: How the duty of competence is changing the practice of law.
  4. The role of all participants (lawyers, clients, paralegals, courts) in the e-Discovery.

The webinar is scheduled for 90 minutes, during which time you may text your questions to the panel, who will endeavor to address all that time allows. 

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